API Reference


Functions exposed from the @unlighthouse/core package.


  • Type: (userConfig: UserConfig, provider?: Provider) => Promise<UnlighthouseContext>

    This is the entry point to using Unlighthouse, it will initialise Unlighthouse with the provided configuration and an optional provider.

    When no provider is given, a default provider is created which will try and resolve route definitions and URLs.

    import { createUnlighthouse } from '@unlighthouse/core'
      // config
      { configFile: 'mysite.config.ts' },
      // provider
          name: 'custom',
          // some custom implementation to find the route definitions
          routeDefinitions: () => generateRouteDefinitions(),


  • Type: (userConfig: UserConfig) => Promise<UnlighthouseContext>

    A simple define wrapper to provide typings to config definitions. This is primarily used when creating a config file unlighthouse.config.ts

    /// <reference types="unlighthouse" />
    import { defineConfig } from 'unlighthouse'
    export default defineConfig({
      site: 'harlanzw.com'


  • Type: (options: GenerateClientOptions) => Promise<void>

    This copies over the client from @unlighthouse/client to be used to render our scans details.

    It's publicly exposed to provide a tight integrations for custom client builds, such as the CI build.

    import { generateClient } from '@unlighthouse/core'
    // ...
    logger.info('Generating static client.')
    await generateClient({ static: true })
    logger.success(`Static client generated at \`${unlighthouse.runtimeSettings.generatedClientPath}\`, ready for hosting.`)


  • Type: () => UnlighthouseContext

    Unlighthouse makes use of a composition API to retain the core state. This allows you to access unlighthouse anywhere, which is great to avoid transferring state between your logic.

    import { useUnlighthouse } from '@unlighthouse/core'
    // access the lighthouse context, pick out the worker
    const { worker } = useUnlighthouse()
    // force whichever route matches home.md to be re-scanned


  • Type: () => void

    Get the global logger instance. This is useful for tight unlighthouse integrations which want to make use of the debug config.

    import { useLogger } from '@unlighthouse/core'
    // you need to instantiate the logger to get the instance
    const logger = useLogger()
    // force whichever route matches home.md to be re-scanned
    logger.debug('Something weird has happened')


Functions exposed from the @unlighthouse/server package.

This package is used for instances where unlighthouse is running without a provider which has an accessible web server. For instance running Unlighthouse with the cli provider will use this package.


  • Type: () => Promise<void>

    Creates a h3 app which uses listhen as a web server. This is used to host the API and the client.

    import { createServer } from '@unlighthouse/server'
    // ...
    const { server, app } = await createServer()
    // server is an instance of listhen, app is an instance of h3
    await unlighthouse.setServerContext({ url: server.url, server: server.server, app })
    await unlighthouse.start()

Unlighthouse Context

Functions exposed from unlighthouse context provided by useUnlighthouse() or createUnlighthouse() .


  • Type: () => Promise<UnlighthouseContext>

    Start the client and the queue worker. A server context must be provided before this function is called.


  • Type: () => Promise<UnlighthouseContext>

    Running Unlighthouse via CI does not require a server or the client, so we have a special utility for it.


  • Type: (arg: ServerContextArg) => Promise<UnlighthouseContext>

    To use Unlighthouse with a client, it needs a server / app to register the API and client middleware.


  • Type: (url: string) => void

    Sets the site URL that will be scanned if it's not known at initialisation.


Unlighthouse provides hooks using hookable which allow you tailor the core behaviour.

Hooks can be accessed on the hooks property of the context and will always return a Promise<void>|void.

export type HookResult = Promise<void>|void
import { useUnlighthouse } from '@unlighthouse/core'

const { hooks } = useUnlighthouse()

hooks.hook('task-complete', (path, response) => {
   console.log('task is finished at path', path)


  • Type: (site: string) => HookResult

    It's possible the site is not known at initialisation, this hook is called when it's set or changed.

    hooks.hook('site-changed', (site) => {
      // generate payload for site


  • Type: () => HookResult

    Called when the worker has finished processing all queued routes. Will be called multiple times if routes are re-queued.

    Mostly useful for the CI environment.

    hooks.hook('worker-finished', () => {
      console.log('all done :)')


  • Type: (routeDefinitions: any[]) => HookResult

    When route definitions are provided to Unlighthouse this function will be called useful for delaying internal logic until the definitions are found.


  • Type: () => HookResult

    Called when a user visits the path of the @unlighthouse/client for the first time. Useful for starting the worker on-demand.

    // only start when the user wants to see the client
    hooks.hookOnce('visited-client', () => {


  • Type: (path: string, response: UnlighthouseRouteReport) => HookResult

    Fired when a new task is added to the queue worker.


  • Type: (path: string, response: UnlighthouseRouteReport) => HookResult

    Fired when a task has started to work.


  • Type: (path: string, response: UnlighthouseRouteReport, taskName: string) => HookResult

Fired when a task has completed it's work.

  • Type: (path: string, internalLinks: string[]) => HookResult

Fired when a path discovered internal links, used for "crawl" mode.


  • Type: (page: Page) => HookResult

After a page has been visited with puppeteer. Useful for running