How it works
Unlighthouse has multiple steps, aimed at only running logic when it's needed.
The core logic is as follows
1. Instantiation
Configuration is loaded from unlighthouse.config.ts
or a custom configFile
const unlighthouse = await createUnlighthouse(config)
A new puppeteer-cluster is created.
2. Server Context Provided
Once the context is provided for which site is being scanned and server details.
// create a server to serve the client from
const { server, app } = await createServer()
await unlighthouse.setServerContext({ url: server.url, server: server.server, app })
An unrouted API instance is created.
Vite client is copied from the node_modules
and is injected with static configuration for the scan
3. Start
For integrations, Unlighthouse will only start when accessed. Otherwise, Unlighthouse is started straight away.
hooks.hookOnce('visited-client', () => {
Discovery of the route definitions is attempted. A virtual router for the route definitions is created.
Start collecting the list of URLs to work with from the sitemap.xml, if no sitemap is discovered, the home page will be scanned.
For each URL:
- perform a GET and extract HTML payload for basic SEO data and discover new internal links
- In a new thread, perform the lighthouse scan, the HTML and JSON payload of the report will be saved to the filesystem
Broadcasting setup on worker events.
3. Using the client
The unrouted API instance routes requests to the worker to perform actions. Static files such as the full-page screenshot and lighthouse HTML report are served.