Configuring Puppeteer

Unlighthouse uses puppeteer to run the lighthouse module.

Puppeteer configuration

You can configure puppeteer with the puppeteerOptions key, which will be passed to the puppeteer launch constructor.

See puppeteer-launch-options for more information.

For example, you could run without a headless browser. Although not recommended.

export default {
  puppeteerOptions: {
    headless: false,

Hook into puppeteer navigation

There may be instances where you need to hook into how the puppeteer instance is handling your pages.

A hook is provided to do this.

let token

export default {
  hooks: {
    'puppeteer:before-goto': async (page) => {
      if (!token) {
        token = await generateToken()
      // set authentication token when we load a new page
      await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(token => {
          localStorage.setItem('token', token)
        }, token